Providing scientifically accurate content for your palaeontology themed table-top roleplaying adventures
Dr Dhrolin’s Dictionary of Dinosaurs is available to purchase now!
Buy a physical copy of the book, a downloadable PDF, or both!
You can also find other items in our shop for all of your palaeontological table-top roleplaying needs, including downloadable tokens, character sheets, and more.

“Greetin’s adventurers. I’m Dr Dhrolin and this is me journal. In these ‘ere pages are me notes of the many beasties I've encountered on me countless journeys. Immovable behemoths, towerin’ giants, and fearsome predators o’ every ilk. All ancient creatures - lost to time and knowledge. But alas, some ‘ave found their way back to us through foul magics or lost lands. You should heed me well to be prepared for the battles ahead. Them beasties is like no other. Nothing alive today compares to those monsters of the Mesozoic... "
Join Dr Dhrolin, a dwarven palaeontologist, as he recalls the creatures he has faced on his many adventures. His journal contains descriptions and stat blocks for numerous dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and other Mesozoic reptiles, along with new palaeo-themed playable races, environments, and supporting content.
This project was made possible by:
PalaeoGames Ltd.
Mark Witton Palaeoart
Featherpaw Studio
Art of Robert Fabiani
AFK Gaming Ltd.
Bath & Body

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